Southwest poland

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  • 16 January 2024 12:40 AM
    Reply # 13301527 on 13252826
    Anonymous wrote:

    Dan, My Ukraine branch left very few records for me to research.  That is why I am a strong proponent of using DNA to finding ancestors and living relatives. 

    On Ancestry over 55 of my DNA cousins invited me to view their DNA matches to assist my research.  I can search for a SURNAME or LOCATION for all cousins to find if they have a common DNA match.  Usually there are several.

    In your case, I searched my DNA cousin Family Trees for anyone born in Czaszyn, Podkarpackie PL.  I discovered 25 cousins meet this criteria.

    Three share DNA with Ancestry member jmfall.  On jmfall's tree is Carl FALL.  Born 1870 in Czaszyn.  Died 1960 in Vance Creek, Barron County WI Spouse was Anna GOCEK.  Born 1865 in Czaszyn.  Died 1970 in Vance Creek WI.

    Czaszyn  is a very small village located in a remote location.  Population is ~1400,  Some of my DNA cousins could be related to you.  If you have taken a DNA test on ANY site, I can use your results to check possible connections.

    If you are interested in discussing further, please contact me using my C-RS membership information.  I collaborate with over 100 persons worldwide.

    .pub_728x90.text-ad.textAd.text_ad.text_ads.text-ads.text-ad-links { display: block !important; }div[class*=" "][style^="width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: -"] { display: block !important; }div[class="adsbygoogle"][id="ad-detector"] { display: block !important; }a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], iframe[width="240"][height="300"], img[width="468"][height="60"], .ad-box:not(#ad-banner), a[href^=""] > img, display-ad-component, .trc_related_container div[data-item-syndicated="true"], .trc_rbox_div .syndicatedItem, .trc_rbox_border_elm .syndicatedItem, .trc_rbox .syndicatedItem, a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"], .pbs__player, .avp-p-wrapper, #aniview--player, ins.adsbygoogle, .mntl-leaderboard-spacer, div[id^="yandex_ad"], div[id^="ezoic-pub-ad-"], div[id^="div-gpt-"], div[id^="dfp-ad-"], div[id^="crt-"][style], div[id^="ad_position_"], div[data-native_ad], div[data-ad-targeting], div[class^="native-ad-"], div[aria-label="Ads"], a[href^=""][href*="?aff_id="], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], [id^="google_ads_iframe"], [id^="div-gpt-ad"], [href^=""] img, [href^=""], [href^=""], [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""], [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] { display: none!important; } [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""], [data-advadstrackid], [data-adblockkey], [data-ad-width], [data-ad-name], [data-ad-module], [data-ad-manager-id], [data-ad-cls], .wrapper-ad, .wppaszone, .widget-advads-ad-widget, .widget-ad-image, .waldo-display-unit, .videos-ad, .video-ads, .vertical-ads, .vertical-ad, .trc-content-sponsored, .topads, .topAd, .top-ad-wrapper, .top-ad, .tile-ad, .textad, .text_ads_2, .takeover-ad, .sticky-ad, .sponsoredItem, .sponsored-article, .sponsorad, .sponsor_image, .sp-ad, .smallads,, .skinAd, .single_ad, .single-ads, .sidebaradbox, .sidebar_advert, .sidebar-ads, .sidebar-ad, .side-ad, .showads, .serversidenativead, .section-ads, .rightAd, .right-ad, .responsive-ad-wrapper { display: none!important; } .reklama, .region-ad-top, .quads-location, .publicidade, .promoAd, .product-ads, .product-ad, .postad, .post-ads, .post-ad, .plainAd, .page_ad, .page-ad, .overlay-ads, .os-header-ad, .oas-container, .node-ad, .nativead, .native-ad-container, .module_ad, .mobile-ad, .middlead, .mainAd, .main-ads, .m-ad, .logo-ad, .listad, .left_ad, .largeAd, .large-right-ad, .large-advert, .js-sidebar-ads, .jnews_header_top_ads, .jeg_ad_top, .jeg_ad, .item-ads, .is-sponsored, .is-ad, .ipsAd, .inline-ad, .home-ad, .headerads, .header_ad, .header-advert, .header-ad-row, .header-ad, .head_ad, .has-fixed-bottom-ad, .has-ad, .greyAd { display: none!important; 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}

    I am related to JMFall.  All I will say.  Can DNA tell me any specific details about the lineage or jist that we are related?

  • 11 September 2023 11:24 AM
    Reply # 13252826 on 9147221

    Dan, My Ukraine branch left very few records for me to research.  That is why I am a strong proponent of using DNA to finding ancestors and living relatives. 

    On Ancestry over 55 of my DNA cousins invited me to view their DNA matches to assist my research.  I can search for a SURNAME or LOCATION for all cousins to find if they have a common DNA match.  Usually there are several.

    In your case, I searched my DNA cousin Family Trees for anyone born in Czaszyn, Podkarpackie PL.  I discovered 25 cousins meet this criteria.

    Three share DNA with Ancestry member jmfall.  On jmfall's tree is Carl FALL.  Born 1870 in Czaszyn.  Died 1960 in Vance Creek, Barron County WI Spouse was Anna GOCEK.  Born 1865 in Czaszyn.  Died 1970 in Vance Creek WI.

    Czaszyn  is a very small village located in a remote location.  Population is ~1400,  Some of my DNA cousins could be related to you.  If you have taken a DNA test on ANY site, I can use your results to check possible connections.

    If you are interested in discussing further, please contact me using my C-RS membership information.  I collaborate with over 100 persons worldwide.

    .pub_728x90.text-ad.textAd.text_ad.text_ads.text-ads.text-ad-links { display: block !important; }div[class*=" "][style^="width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: -"] { display: block !important; }div[class="adsbygoogle"][id="ad-detector"] { display: block !important; }a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], iframe[width="240"][height="300"], img[width="468"][height="60"], .ad-box:not(#ad-banner), a[href^=""] > img, display-ad-component, .trc_related_container div[data-item-syndicated="true"], .trc_rbox_div .syndicatedItem, .trc_rbox_border_elm .syndicatedItem, .trc_rbox .syndicatedItem, a[onmousedown^="this.href='"][target="_blank"], .pbs__player, .avp-p-wrapper, #aniview--player, ins.adsbygoogle, .mntl-leaderboard-spacer, div[id^="yandex_ad"], div[id^="ezoic-pub-ad-"], div[id^="div-gpt-"], div[id^="dfp-ad-"], div[id^="crt-"][style], div[id^="ad_position_"], div[data-native_ad], div[data-ad-targeting], div[class^="native-ad-"], div[aria-label="Ads"], a[href^=""][href*="?aff_id="], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], a[href^=""], [id^="google_ads_iframe"], [id^="div-gpt-ad"], [href^=""] img, [href^=""], [href^=""], [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""], [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] { display: none!important; } [href^=""] > img, [href^=""] > img, [href^=""], [data-advadstrackid], [data-adblockkey], [data-ad-width], [data-ad-name], [data-ad-module], [data-ad-manager-id], [data-ad-cls], .wrapper-ad, .wppaszone, .widget-advads-ad-widget, .widget-ad-image, .waldo-display-unit, .videos-ad, .video-ads, .vertical-ads, .vertical-ad, .trc-content-sponsored, .topads, .topAd, .top-ad-wrapper, .top-ad, .tile-ad, .textad, .text_ads_2, .takeover-ad, .sticky-ad, .sponsoredItem, .sponsored-article, .sponsorad, .sponsor_image, .sp-ad, .smallads,, .skinAd, .single_ad, .single-ads, .sidebaradbox, .sidebar_advert, .sidebar-ads, .sidebar-ad, .side-ad, .showads, .serversidenativead, .section-ads, .rightAd, .right-ad, .responsive-ad-wrapper { display: none!important; } .reklama, .region-ad-top, .quads-location, .publicidade, .promoAd, .product-ads, .product-ad, .postad, .post-ads, .post-ad, .plainAd, .page_ad, .page-ad, .overlay-ads, .os-header-ad, .oas-container, .node-ad, .nativead, .native-ad-container, .module_ad, .mobile-ad, .middlead, .mainAd, .main-ads, .m-ad, .logo-ad, .listad, .left_ad, .largeAd, .large-right-ad, .large-advert, .js-sidebar-ads, .jnews_header_top_ads, .jeg_ad_top, .jeg_ad, .item-ads, .is-sponsored, .is-ad, .ipsAd, .inline-ad, .home-ad, .headerads, .header_ad, .header-advert, .header-ad-row, .header-ad, .head_ad, .has-fixed-bottom-ad, .has-ad, .greyAd { display: none!important; } .gptslot, .gpt-ad, .googleads, .googlead, .google_ads, .googleAd, .google-ads, .google-ad, .gallery-ad, .gadContainer, .full-width-ad, .full-ad, .footer-ad, .fixed_ad, .featuredAds, .display_ad, .dfp-tag-wrapper, .custom-ad, .content_ads, .contentAds, .container-ads, .connatix-wrapper, .companion-ads, .column-ad, .chitika-ad, .channelBoxAds, .category-advertorial, .cardAd, .c-ad, .box_ads, .boxAds, .box-radvert, .bottom_ad_block, .bottom-ad, .block-sponsor, .block-ad, .banner_ads, .banner_728x90, .banner-ad-container, .banner-ad, .banner-728x90, .banner-468x60, .article_ad, .article-advert, .after-post-ad, .adzone, .adwords, .adverttext, .adverts, .advertorial { display: none!important; } .advertisment, .advertiser, .advertisement__leaderboard, .advertisement-block, .advert_list, .advert_area, .advertSlider, .advert2, .advert-detail, .advert-container, .advert-block, .adver, .advBox, .adv-top, .adv-container, .adv-box, .adv-banner, .adunit, .adtitle, .adthrive-video-player, .adthrive-content, .adthrive, .adtag, .adtable, .adstop, .adspace, .adslot_1, .adslot, .adsleft, .adsizewrapper, .adshome, .adsense_wrapper, .adsense-wrapper, .adsense-container, .adsense-block, .adscontainer, .adscenter, .adsbyvli, .adsbygoogle-noablate, .adsbottombox, .adsbar, .ads_wrapper, .ads_single_center, .ads_right, .ads_header, .ads_div, .ads_container, .ads_block, .adsTop, .adsList { display: none!important; 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} .ad-content-area, .ad-content, .ad-click, .ad-center, .ad-card-container, .ad-card, .ad-button, .ad-bottom, .ad-body, .ad-block, .ad-bar, .ad-banner-container, .ad-area, .TopBannerAd, .TopAdContainer, .ProductAd, .Adsense, .AdsSlot, .AdsBox, .AdSense, .AdHere, .AdCenter, .AdBox, .AdBar, .Ad-Container, .ADwidget, .ADBAR, .AD-POST, #wrapAd, #weatherad, #videoAd, #topbannerad, #top_wide_ad, #top_ads, #top_ad, #topBannerAd, #topAd, #top-ad-unit, #sponsorText, #sky_advert, #sidebar_ad_1, #side_ad, #side-ad, #showads, #search_ad, #right_ads, #rightAd, #related_ads, #reklama, #ps-vertical-ads { display: none!important; } #prerollAd, #post-ad, #page_ad, #omnibar_ad, #mod_ad, #mini-ad, #midadd, #leaderboard-ad, #inner-top-ads, #hp-store-ad, #homead, #header_ad, #headerAd, #googlead2, #google_ads, #google_ad_inline, #googleAds, #google-ads, #google-ad, #fwdevpDiv0, #frameAd, #footerad, #footer_ad_modules, #footerAd, #footer-ads, #downloadAd, #dnn_adSky, #content-left-ad, #container-ad, #centerads, #bottomad, #bottom_ads, #bottomAd, #bannerads, #banner-ad, #article_ad, #adwrapper, #advertise, #advertbox3, #advertContainer, #advert-box, #adv-text, #adtop, #adspace, #adsensewide, #adsense-bottom, #ads_top, #ads_content, #adsContainer, #ads1 { display: none!important; 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}
    Last modified: 11 September 2023 11:25 AM | Anonymous member
  • 10 September 2023 10:36 AM
    Reply # 13252415 on 9147221

    I forgot to add, Fal is also a Czaszyn surname which got Anglicized with the xtra L at immigration to the US.  And I have found two more grandfathers in the Fall lineage and Julianna's father as well.  I expect more work will reveal his father as well.

    If anyone here has any idea about Czaszyn archive data from 1840-1890, please let me know.  My tree has big holes for those 2 generations.  Thanks.  Dan

  • 10 September 2023 10:24 AM
    Reply # 13252410 on 9147221

    Czaszyn is actually in Southeastern Poland, not Southwest.  My great great grandmother was Julianna Salak (julia is probably Polish?), born in 1829.  There is some errant data that suggests she was born earlier.  There is an archive for Czaszyn online for the years 1790-1840 or so with lots of Salak data.  If Ken would like to contact me; that would be great.  The archive is all in Latin and the names are Latinized which took me awhile to understand.   Julianna married my gg grandfather Andrzej, or Andreas is Latin and Andrew is American.

  • 16 January 2021 5:53 PM
    Reply # 9869793 on 9147221


       So glad to hear you are pleased with the research done. Tell your friends and family as we are here to help.


  • 16 January 2021 11:42 AM
    Reply # 9868688 on 9147221

    I would like ti thank everyone for the information provided about Cazaczyn Poland.  It is helping me  tremendously.
    more info than I have ever had. 
    thank you all.

  • 02 October 2020 9:30 PM
    Reply # 9280145 on 9147221
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Anonymous wrote:

    Anyone have information about a town in the southeast corner of Poland named Czaczyn?  My paternal grandfather emigrated  from there in 1904.



    You do know the communists burned all the villages down there, murdered many residents and deported the remainder in 1947 in an action called "Operation Vistula", correct?   Most the known records were also destroyed.

  • 20 August 2020 10:39 PM
    Reply # 9180583 on 9147221


    One added detail of potential interest-- if Ken is interested in families with the Salak surname from Czaszyn (pronounced similar to Chashin), there's also an interesting ad posted in the Ukrainian-language newspaper _Svoboda_ (Freedom) published in New York and Jersey City on Dec. 27, 1945 (last page [253], far upper right-hand corner) (see attached) that reads in English translation: "Nikolas Salak seeks his brother Mykhailo Salak from Czaszyn of the Lisko district. He moved to Hamilton, Ont., Canada or Niagra Falls." The writer's address follows in English: "Nick Salak, 314 Broad St., Box 342, St. Clair, PA." Best, Karen

  • 18 August 2020 4:25 PM
    Reply # 9173645 on 9147221
    tom peters


    These are the records you will need to continue your genealogical research:

    1888-1934 BMD for Czaszyn

    They are the State Archive in Przemysl.  They are yet to be digitized though.

    You can inquire at the archive as to when they might be done.  Hopefully you can find a sibling  of your great-grandfather being baptized which should give not only parents but grandparents of the child.  You will need this information to continue your search as the earlier records for Czaszyn are extant only from 1784-1841 from what I can see now.

  • 18 August 2020 3:33 PM
    Reply # 9173417 on 9147221
    Deleted user

    The information that has come through on this request has been great.  I have learned a lot more about Czaczyn Poland from this than all my search’s.  The links are great.  My grandfather settled in Mckees Rocks (suburb of Pittsburgh) however he came through Baltimore and not Ellis Island.  I did notice two Salak’s posted coming through Ellis from Czaczyn.  I will look at the church listings. 

    Thank you


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