Rich Custers blog

  • 15 June 2022 10:05 AM
    Reply # 12817296 on 12675222
    Anonymous wrote:


       This is the address for Rich's blog :   I don't know the status of his book but I have been anxiously awaiting it.  Its going to be great. So many years of research!!


    I appreciate the interest, Linda and Sharon! I am still working hard on it, and many aspects of it are coming together, but I feel like there's still a few mountains to climb. I guess I need to cut out any other projects that aren't directly contributing to the book work, but it's tough. If only I could take a paid sabbatical from... life!

  • 21 March 2022 2:52 PM
    Reply # 12675222 on 12674748


       This is the address for Rich's blog :   I don't know the status of his book but I have been anxiously awaiting it.  Its going to be great. So many years of research!!


  • 21 March 2022 9:44 AM
    Message # 12674748

    How does one find Rich CusterĀ“s blog. . What is the status of his book?

    Are any of the zoom presentations that were recorded available for viewing and how can we access them?

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