looking for geneology researcher/ advice...resources

  • 20 February 2022 1:39 PM
    Reply # 12614036 on 11098460

    In a previous post someone said that records in Ukraine were not available prior to 1909.  My understanding is that public records started in 1895 so records should be available from then on.  It is the church records which are more difficult to find.

  • 19 February 2022 2:23 AM
    Reply # 12611608 on 11098460

    Juraj CISARIK is excellent.

    I used him for 3 or 4 projects to get my family tree started about 5 years ago.

    Here is link to his website:  http://www.cisarik.com/.  Lots of useful information.

    Here is link to marriage records difficult to find on main website: https://www.cisarik.com/marriage-records-1865-1895.html

  • 19 January 2022 2:16 PM
    Reply # 12282836 on 11098460

    My grandparents were born in Fijas and Valkovce in the Presov region. . Any recommendations on someone who could research my family ancestry in that area?

  • 18 September 2021 1:22 PM
    Reply # 11099555 on 11098460


      I , too, used Maxim and was impressed with the information he found on my family.  It would be good if people would share therr  experiences with researchers not only in Transcarpathia but in other areas where our Rusyn ancestry lived.  We could learn from each other.


  • 18 September 2021 1:10 PM
    Reply # 11099548 on 11098460

    Extensive list of Ukraine genealogy resources available on-line.


    PS: I commissioned two projects with Maxim AVERIN.  His research and reports were excellent.  However, many records in Ukraine have been destroyed due to wars and other events.  Some not available due to national policy.  Maxim was unable to discover my maternal grandfather's parents and relatives because records were not available prior to 1909.  He did discover some potential relatives and their spouses.  I followed up with DNA research.

    Considering Andii DOROSH for a new project once I find living relatives in Ukraine.  Will request  interviewing persons.  https://doroshheritagetours.com/.

  • 18 September 2021 10:41 AM
    Reply # 11099312 on 11098460

    Thank you !

  • 18 September 2021 9:58 AM
    Reply # 11099189 on 11098460


    Your George Puzakulics was born 15 May 1887 in Simerki, Ung Co.

    Son of Georg Puzakulics and Anna

    Anna was born ca 1890 in Perechyn, dau of Vasyl Zsoltanics & Anna.

    This according to their marriage in MI.

    I would go to this page: https://transcarpathia-research.com/read.php?4,38

    Go to the bottom and send an email to Maxim Averin, a researcher in Uzhorod.

    Give him the data and he will advise as to the possible avenues of research available.

    He did much good research for me but you have to realize each village has different amounts of records.

    Tom Peters

  • 17 September 2021 11:10 PM
    Message # 11098460

    Hello everyone ! I am writing this for my mother Diane as well as myself. My name is Jon Ollila. Our family names of interest are Puzakulich and Zoltanich, my mother's grandparents. Puzakulich from Simer Ukraine and Zoltanich from Perechyn Ukraine.  We would like to hire a geneology researcher to fill in the blanks in our family tree. We are looking primarily for information on the siblings of George Puzakulich born in Simer Ukraine in 1885, and the siblings of Anna zoltanich born near 1885 in Perechyn Ukraine, this as well as information about their parents respectively. they both (sepparately) came to the united states in 1900. if anyone can confidently recommend a researcher that can communicate in english, or any resources, we would be grateful ! Thank you !

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