shows 70 entries for ASZKLAR surname born in Poland, Austria (Hungary assumed) or Galicia. Many times these are used interchangeably. Can depend on time period being researched.
GALICIA: shows 51 GEDCOM (Family Trees) with ASZKLAR surname on them. Same email address is associated with nearly all 51 entries. Once you know the GEDCOM file name (9672480 in this case), you can look up GEDmatch usernames to see if they also submitted a DNA test. GEDmatch is great because it accepts DNA from ALL companies. And, it is free.
My Heritage shows 3723 family trees or record databases with ASZKLAR surname on them. First few pages appear to be from Poland. You can narrow search by including additional information such as first name, birth - death - or marriage date, spouse's name, etc.