Byzantine Catholic church records

  • 23 February 2021 3:12 PM
    Reply # 10129883 on 10093460

    The records need not be made public to have them copied.

    If the mormons  are not allowed to do it there may be some other way it can be done.  My idea was that if funds were not available to have this done we could have some sort of fund raising effort to pay for it.  

    Having access to the records is not as important as preserving them for that possible future. 

  • 14 February 2021 11:45 AM
    Reply # 10095579 on 10093460
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The churches are hesitant to make the records public.  Our Orthodox church has agreed to allow us to digitize them.  However, this is a large time consuming project that requires special equipment, and at least 2 people need to be there. Those doing the work would be volunteers.  I agree that this is desperately needed.  I am allowed to research requests for information from the church records.  The records are fragile and are often not organized well.  For some years you will find births, deaths and baptisms in one book.  In other cases you will see baptisms from one year mixed with marriages from another year.  As will most old records that are hand written they are difficult to read and some are in Cyrillic  and   need translation.

    I don't see the Mormon Church doing this anytime soon because of the confidentiality issue.

  • 14 February 2021 11:13 AM
    Reply # 10095538 on 10093460

    My understanding is that there are those who wish to scan and copy the Byzantine church records but for privacy reasons the officials of the church will not permit it. In Wilkes-Barre, the genealogical and historical society has digitalized a huge number of Roman Catholic parishes. I spoke to the volunteer there and asked if there was plans to have the Byzantine records digitalized. She told me they have been trying and permission has not been granted. I,too, would like to view these important records.

  • 13 February 2021 4:46 PM
    Message # 10093460

    In my past efforts to look at our church's records I have had mix results.

    But the most disturbing realization I had was the condition of those records.

    I fear we are losing them to deterioration quickly. It would be wonderful if these records got copied for the future.

    If some organization could sponsor a fund raiser for a grant to have this done I would to contribute what I can.

    Thanks.  Luke J. Nester

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