Here are two churches located in Lyndora, likely serving RUSYN patrons.
RUTHENIAN language is nearly always associated with Western Ukraine.
For ANYONE wanting to find distant relatives, I highly recommend taking a DNA test. Ancestry has the largest database of persons and records. My Heritage has MANY Eastern European members and fairly large database.
Both tests are autosomal (non-gender). This allows searches for both male and female at the same time in a database. They are only accurate to 4 generations (20 centimorgans and higher), which is where most people find ancestors.
I belong to BOTH. Ancestry shows 7 X distant DNA cousins with BOBAK surname on their family tree. My Heritage shows one 4th cousin named BOBAK who is from Ukraine, and one distant cousin.
Ancestry member RobertRusnak58 is a distant DNA relative to my paternal grandfather Michael RUSNAK/RUSNAK born 1882 near Kosice, Slovakia. Robert and I share DNA with persons having KICIN and KICSINY on their tree.
My Ancestry DNA profile is 91% Eastern Europe/Russia and 9% Balkan. My Heritage show 17% Scandinavian. All four grandparents were born late 1800s in Austria Hungary which dissolved at end of WW2. Today their birthplaces are located in Eastern Slovakia and Western Ukraine. Most settled in Southwest PA. A few in Northeast PA and New England. Worked in mines and steel mills.
Hope my personal information helps others find ancestors. If interested, I can provide a document with research tips. Send request to my email address.