I'm a lifelong member of Dunbar Historical Society http://dunbarhistoricalsociety.com/.
Also a member of the Fayette County Historical Society (about 200 members). http://www.fayettehistoricalsociety.org/.
When writing a reply, I can't see the original post and associated threads for this conversation. Hope information below is relevant:
I'm willing to try to connect persons from the two organizations above to C-RS members looking for relatives in Southwest PA. Knowing surnames and birth, death, marriage information is VERY helpful.
I've taken AncestryDNA test which is autosomal (non-gender). Accurate to 4 generations. Also took Y-DNA paternal test and mtDNA maternal test on Family Tree. These are accurate to 10 and 60+ generations, respectively.
I prepared a WORD document with tips on doing genealogical research. I offer to collaborate with any DNA match 20 centimorgans an greater (4th cousin or closer). Write to DGMILLERZ@OUTLOOK.COM for more info.