A fun thing to do is run an address in Google Earth and see what's there. Sometimes the very building where they went is still standing. Even if it's now a plumber business.
I don't know specifically the answer to why so many immigrants used the place mentioned that appears to be a school, but based on some other genealogy experiences, I can guess.
Sometimes people headed to a boarding house where previous immigrants they knew went such as men from the same village . Board ers were often men who had not yet sent for their wives and children. Some b oarding houses were family homes where working men slept in one room. It was a start. Often the owner was a widowed woman.
They might have had someone at that address sending them mail. On the ship they were asked where they were going and having an envelope with an addr ess they could point to with a letter inside suggesting they had a place to stay and a job waiting was a good thing. Someone at that location, officially or not, could've been helping immigrants, such as an employer, priest, or individual not related but writing as if they were.. .
In some cities the immigrants went to a location and from there were taken to a job and company housing. Such employers sent representative to the Old Country to find workers.
But let's say it was a school. Maybe they got there and slept on the floor at night till they got settled. Some churches allowed this, kind of like some churches allow homeless to sleep today.
As a suggestion, check the address on the census before and after the immigration date and you may find out what's happening there, who owns it, and also some unexpected relatives.
I did this year's ago and three of the boarders proved to be my grandmother's half brothers. Two had her maiden surname a surprise. My grandfather gave the address on the ship but was not there by the next census. These men all came through Ellis but they all must have pitched in because she came through New York on a 2nd class ticket and skipped Ellis. With a baby in her arms.
Congratulations on the purchase of the Munhall church. I'm proud of you all!