The same thing happened on Drinker Street in Dunmore. I was fishing around for Rusyns in Endicott, NY and saw a lot of Rusyns going to 3(I think that's the number) Hill St. As best as I can figure, this was a boarding house. When I dug through the census, these folks for the most part were tanners, who worked on the leather at Endicott Johnson company, the shoe manufacturer. Given that today 3 hill is in the middle of an industrial complex, right by the river, my hunch is that this was, in the day, very close to the factory where they worked.
So I looked up some old fire insurance maps (they are online) from the period, and sure enough, there had been a number of what appear to be houses at this location, and a big factory nearby. Today it's all different.
Take a look at the city directories for that period and that house. It usually gives the resident's occupation. It's not as good as a census which strives to make sure everyone is accounted for, but it's been a good shot for me.
Which reminds me, I have to go back and look more completely at Corning, NY. My grandfather worked there for a few years along with his village-mates from Zboj. They all went back to Europe after a few years, so finding them in a census is hit or miss.
Also, don't forget to look at They seem to have filmed a lot of military records up to and including WW2. Many public libraries today have a subscription to Ancestry, and thanks to coronavirus, have made them accessible to library patrons online. It used to be you had to go into the library to read it.) Same applies to consumer's digest, if you're interested.
So Sharon, find some old maps and see what was on Washington Ave. at the time. The city directories also list this too. The directory is probably "Scranton" is my guess.
Good Luck!
Anonymous wrote:
My paternal grandfather immigrated first to Scranton then settled in Dunmore. I have a fascination with all things roots related but what really puzzles me with pouring over passenger lists is so many Rusyns putting as final destination 425 S. Washington Ave., Scranton. I even drove there and there is nothing there. I believe it was the flat lands and maybe flooded at some point. I know St, John's Byzantine Catholic church stands overlooking it.
What was there and why so many Rusyns from all these different ships and different years listed this as there final destination? Any ideas on this?