Rusyn first names

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  • 19 May 2020 12:45 AM
    Reply # 8978441 on 8958597

    Some other thoughts on the name John. Looking back on my research I  see other names for John such as Janos and Ivan. I wonder if Yonko was the familiar form of John. 

  • 18 May 2020 11:51 PM
    Reply # 8978405 on 8958597

    I believe John is the English version of Yonko. I had 2 uncle Yonko's listed on there early papers and then when in America were referred to as John. 

  • 18 May 2020 2:37 AM
    Reply # 8976470 on 8958597

    FWIW, my great-uncle Wasil Americanized his name to William, then shortened it to Bill. I also know that my father, who was named John, was called Yonko by his parents/grandparents as a boy. Is Yonko a nickname for John? Or is there a connection between John and Yonko?

  • 17 May 2020 9:47 PM
    Reply # 8976033 on 8958597

    My fathers name was Wasil ?, Story has it that the teacher named him Charles and thats what he went by . Some say Wasil is  Americanized to Charles, others William.  

  • 17 May 2020 9:43 PM
    Reply # 8976030 on 8958597

    Do you know what it means in English? Maybe Julia?  

  • 17 May 2020 7:26 PM
    Reply # 8975904 on 8958597

    My great grandmother was named Jewka , I believe it's not that uncommon of a name.  She immigrated to the U.S. in 1904 from Pielgrzymka Jaslo County. 

  • 16 May 2020 2:07 PM
    Reply # 8973379 on 8958597

    In my family, not any of those names, but my grandmother's family from Prislip/Prislop in Western Ukraine had the following names on the 1920 census: Anna, Mary, Sylvia, Wasil, Georg, Pyotr, Helen.

  • 09 May 2020 11:24 PM
    Message # 8958597


     My family followed the traditional Rusyn naming order making for difficult research with common surnames. Yes, many Mihaly, Petro, Ivan, Vaszil , Nicholay and then the ladies Anna, Maria, Olena, Pohala,  But I found some first names that aren't familiar to me such as Jewka , Pal and Kuat. Anyone familiar with these names?


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