Rusyn Villages

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  • 23 February 2022 10:31 AM
    Reply # 12620054 on 8754773
    Petro Z

    I guess only locals would be able to answer yor question about Rusyns/Slovaks in these villages. Please try to contact rusyn@centrum,sk from site in Bratislsva.

  • 01 December 2021 11:13 AM
    Reply # 12158191 on 10196112
    Anonymous wrote:
    Anonymous wrote:

    See Cadastral Maps for Austria Hungary:  Like having a GPS for the past.

    Regarding the cadastral maps of Austria Hungary, I've found the villages that I'm researching, and on the maps there appears to be  numbers for house locations.  Has any sort of data been preserved that would be able to decode these the owners of the properties that correspond to these numbers?

  • 17 March 2021 6:16 AM
    Reply # 10205911 on 8754773
    Christine -genealogist

    If you can find a map on MAPIRE or another resource from the date (or close) for a settlement that has plots numbered and coordinate  the house/building  number on it (more likely a farm stead) that may be accurate. However, it's not likely to coordinate with current house /building numbers.  Generally, house numbers were not ordered by streets in villages. The numbers were more about the order in which the houses/buildings were built, so a higher number would indicate a later build.  On some church records you'll see some house numbers on a marriage, even separate house numbers for bride and groom, while others on the same page have none. Generally in small settlements everyone knew everyone and where they lived and it was all walkable, so why need to number? A positive thing to do is read all the pages of documents with house numbers to find out who all lived at an address in an era. You might find that extended family share a house. You may also learn whose family the newly married couple went to live with. A house number study can also help you learn when a family began living there as they may have moved from another village.

    Another clue that you're looking at a village rather than a town or city is that there will be a number but no mention of a street name. Therefore, I wouldn't use the GPS.

    Hoping you all know about the web site database GENETEKA. 

  • 14 March 2021 6:00 PM
    Reply # 10196258 on 8754773
    Petro Z


    From my own family search experience I've found their census data with the corresponding house # - like families/households list and then more detailed list for each family members. But! That coukd be not a rule: initially as villages were smaller there could be through numbers, as they grow, the numbering could be by streets, and additional houses built-added. And ruling powers changed - so the street names could change. 

  • 14 March 2021 4:35 PM
    Reply # 10196112 on 9401330
    Anonymous wrote:

    See Cadastral Maps for Austria Hungary:  Like having a GPS for the past.

    Regarding the cadastral maps of Austria Hungary, I've found the villages that I'm researching, and on the maps there appears to be  numbers for house locations.  Has any sort of data been preserved that would be able to decode these the owners of the properties that correspond to these numbers?

  • 03 December 2020 7:41 AM
    Reply # 9401724 on 8754773

    Hello Penny,

    If your people went to a Russian Orthodox Church, I strongly believe you are a Carpatho-Rusyn.  We can help once you get some additional data of names, dates, etc.


  • 02 December 2020 11:59 PM
    Reply # 9401330 on 8754773

    See Cadastral Maps for Austria Hungary:  Like having a GPS for the past.

    The old Austria Hungary empire, and where Slovakia is today: also has names of all the villages in Slovakia today with past names for about 200 years.  Some villages had dozens of names during this time.

    I also purchased a CD:  Hungarian Village Finder, Atlas and Gazetteer for the Kingdom of Hungary by Suzanne Somodi Jimenez.  Provides official and non-official names of villages in Austria Hungary and new names for today.

  • 02 December 2020 12:01 PM
    Reply # 9399650 on 8754773

    Thank you so much Tom!  Wow.  My grandmother went to a Russian Orthodox church in Pennsylvania.  Would that make her more associated with the Greek Catholics then?  I'm also going to ask my cousin what she may know or any documents that may be tied to Wisloczek as maybe this will give a clue.  Incredible that you know this!  I'm very early in my family history journey and it's hard to dig in working full time with my kiddos still home .   I haven't even begun to explore what the Carpatho-Rusyn Society has to offer.  It looks like a lot! 

  • 02 December 2020 8:26 AM
    Reply # 9399228 on 8754773


    Wisloczek had Roman Catholics and Greek Catholics.  The Roman Catholics worshiipped in Krolik Polskie.  The Greek Catholics worshipped in Tarnawka.

    The Greek Catholics were considered Lemkos.

    Tom Peters

  • 01 December 2020 7:59 PM
    Reply # 9398269 on 8754773
    Penny Pisaneschi Collins

    I've learned through my cousin that our ancestors village is Wisłoczek (now Poland).  My dad said growing up my grandmother would say the family was from Austro-Hungarian area.  

    I'm curious if anyone knows if Wisłoczek is considered Lemko?  Different maps I've viewed having different shadings and this village doesn't usually show up on the maps.  

    Help is appreciated.  Id like to try and recreate the traditional folk dress but want to get as close to what her regions traditional garments would have been.  

    Many thanks and stay safe.  Penny 

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