Rusyn surnames

  • 09 September 2020 2:03 PM
    Reply # 9223332 on 8749726


    I found some records for Zboj:

    You might get luck.  The records don't quite come up to the later years that would be useful to you.

    Tom Peters

  • 09 September 2020 10:20 AM
    Reply # 9222787 on 8749726


    I found some records for Zboj:

    You might get luck.  The records don't quite come up to the later years that would be useful to you.

    Tom Peters

  • 09 September 2020 9:47 AM
    Reply # 9222676 on 8749726


    You have a difficult research problem.  Having said this, here are some links to help you:

    Mihaly Senski pass list (2 pages)

    Bill Tarkulich Web Page on Zboj:

    1869 Census of Zboj:

    Try spelling Szanski

    Your Carpatho-Rusyn ancestors are from Zboj.  To my knowledge, the Greek Catholic records are missing.  See Bill Tarkulich*s website.  He is our expert on the village of Zboj.

    Tom Peters

  • 09 September 2020 7:46 AM
    Reply # 9222472 on 8749726
    John F Sansky


    Most of my relatives are buried in that cemetery. My paternal grandparents, my parents and most of my father's ten siblings . My mother's family is all in France.

    I am hoping that St. Michael's Church will allow a relative access to their family records.


  • 08 September 2020 1:17 PM
    Reply # 9220123 on 8749726

    Hi John,

       No, I have not done research at St. Michael's Church. I understand from speaking with other researchers that the church, for privacy issues, was not open to allowing others to see their records. I would like to do so.  I did years back (by hand) transcribed St. Michael's cemetery for a local genealogy organization. My transcriptions were then to be digitalized but not sure if that ever happened.  I was at the cemetery a few weeks ago and noted your surname and so many other familiar names. I can connect the surnames in Dunmore with the village census in Verkovyna Bystry and Lubyna.  When I read the old newspapers I see so, so many familiar names attending St. Michael's as well. 

  • 08 September 2020 7:13 AM
    Reply # 9219249 on 8749726
    John F Sansky

    Sharon, have you ever had an opportunity to do research in the files of St. Michael's Greek Catholic Church in Dunmore, PA?

  • 07 September 2020 4:17 PM
    Reply # 9218051 on 8749726

    Welcome and thank you for stopping by.  I will gather as much info as I can about the Rusak surname but I need your help with providing more information.  If you can find out as much of  the following  it would be helpful. The stories of our ancestors are so important and need to be preserved for future generation.  Start here with finding out as much information as possible 

    • 1.     Name of Immigrant Ancestors
    • 2.     Village of origin if known
    • 3.     Church attended in United States: Greek Catholic or Orthodox, name of church, location
    • 4.     Year of births
    • 5.     Year immigrated (approx.)
    • 6.     Name of Spouse (including maidenname of wife)
    • 7.     Married in Canada . or Europe, date if known, place if known

  • 07 September 2020 9:52 AM
    Reply # 9217462 on 8749726

    I'm looking into my family's history, and I know my grandfather's parents came over to Canada from Ukraine, and my grandma's came over from Poland. I'm looking into getting more history and names from them but I am waiting for them.  I'm not sure what my family names were before, but my family's surname now is Rusak. I was wondering whether this may have connections to Rusyn, as I have read that an alternate spelling to Rusyn is Rusnak, and that is weirdly similar. I know this could also be a coincidence, I'm just looking for another opinion. Thanks so much for helping, and I will try to update when I get more information.

  • 11 August 2020 11:39 AM
    Reply # 9158171 on 8972729
    Karen V
    Anonymous wrote:
    Anonymous wrote:

    According to my grandfather's immigration paper, he entered the country under the of Alexander Pohanich, aka Alex Brendzovich.  However, his naturalization paper, specifically oath of allegiance he signed it as Alex Brenzovich, and his order of court admitting petition he officially changed his name fro Alexander Pohanich to Alek Brandzovich.  In my search there are several theories 1) He was evading the Austro-Hungarian government, 2) on one trip to the homeland, I was told that there were so many Brenzovich's in the village that he used Pohanich-Brenzovich to distinguish himself from the rest.  3) On another trip, I was told he used the name Pohanich because it was the name of the land owner on which he lived.  Not sure will ever know the real true story.  Just wanted to share using this new feature of the C-RS website.

    Re: your theory 1: My great uncle Prokop Klepacz left Maciejowa, Nowy Sacz, Galicia for the US in 1912 to avoid having to serve his time in the Austrian army. His older brother, Dimitri, had served so Prokop knew how bad it would be. The night he left, the family covered all the windows so no one could see the lights and know that something was up. A very interesting book on the horrible situations in the Austrian army in that period of time leading up to WWI is The Winter Soldier.

    Re: Brenzovich. My great grandmother was a Brenzovich from the village of Viska.  This is by Sharon's villages.  Today it is in Veleky Brezny region of the Zakarpatia Oblast, Ukraine.

  • 09 August 2020 3:31 AM
    Reply # 9153175 on 8749726
    Deleted user

    Hi all, 

    My 2x Great Grandparents, Jan Miszczyszyn (1881) & Katarzyna Dobrzanska (1884) were Rusyn's (Lemko) from Lisko county. Jan was from Czaszyn and Katarzyna was from Lukowe. 

    My other 2x Great Grandparents, Andras Nagy Roman (1887) and Maria Burjan were from Goromboly, Hungary (annexed by Miskolc in 1950). The Roman's and Burjan's were Rusyn's who moved into the great Hungarian plain during the 1700's. Its said that Rusyn's were encouraged by the Greek Catholic Church to move down into the area after the Turkish invasion left it vacant. 

    My Great Grandparents were Mary Miszczyszyn (1909) and Imre Roman (1909). Mary was born in Monessen, PA and Imre was born in Trauger, PA. 

    Lastly, my Grandmother, Rosemarie Roman (1945) was born in Hammond, indiana. She was raised in the Ukrainian Orthodox church located on Columbia Ave. The church's (St. Michaels Ukrainian Orthodox Church) original members were Lemko's from Lesko and Sanok. 

    Last modified: 09 August 2020 3:32 AM | Deleted user
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